Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

"Your life will be no better than the plans you make and the action you take. You are the architect and builder of your own life, fortune, destiny."

Alfred A. Montapert

P.S. Check out my new email consulting program at

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Announcing MuscleandFitness Marketing Bootcamp!

Scott York’s

Muscle and Fitness Marketing Bootcamp! Crashcourse!

“Living The Ultimate Fitness Lifestyle”

The most wanted marketing expert in fitness, figure and bodybuilding is about to unveil his system and show you how the most powerful tools available to you today can take your existing business to the next level!

I’m excited about this new program that I have put together for you.

Here’s why.

If you have a passion for figure, fitness or bodybuilding then this letter might possibly be the most important money making letter that you have ever read.

It is a little long… but it will be worth the 5 minutes.

If you already know about it and want to sign up now
here you go:

1 payment of $497 ->

2 payments of $275 (1 payment now and 3 weeks later)->

Please make the time to read it because it could be just what you and your fitness, bodybuilding, or figure business needs to make an extra $10,000 or more next year!

Here’s the scoop.

If you are like me then you may have spent countless hours in the gym getting lean, building muscle and even possibly preparing for a fitness, figure or bodybuilding contest.

You have a tremendous work ethic in the gym.

And that same work ethic can help propel your fitness business into the stratosphere …

But perhaps you’re not sure how to do this in today’s chaotic world…

You need clarity.

You need focus.

You’ve got a million and one questions but don’t know where to start.

Here are a few recent inquiries and comments that I have received from people who are possibly just like you:

Hello Scott,

I found some of your information through my
brother-in-law who was looking at Joe Vitale's site.
We both have read some of his books and regularly read
his website. I am interested in more information you
have available. Here is a brief background on me:

I own my own personal training business in Ca.
I am a Police Officer at a nearby agency
I am a member of the SWAT Team for the agency which I
I have been training people in fitness for over 15
I am a certified PT as well as certified in Pre/Post
Natal Fitness

I am interested in running my business full time and
stepping away from Law Enforcement. I have a passion
for fitness and that's where my heart is. Please send
me additional info on how you work 3 days a week and
earn a 6 figure income.

I am definitely intrigued.”

Billy W.


“Scott -

I really want to thank you for all of your help and guidance. I have come across many negative people in my life so far and it is refreshing to find someone who is such a positive role model in the fitness industry and life in general. I am very glad I got a chance to talk to you. I will stay focused and do what I have a passion for.........many thanks going to you for the motivation and information.

Once again, thank you for all the valuable info - I owe you a ton!”

Jeff Olah



“…looking for business strategies and ideas for broadening my own business. My husband is a photographer and we have just established a web site for fitness models and competitors. Also, doing our own calendar and selling. So I am in need of business ideas to market and get exposure for all that we are doing. Met MonicaBrant-Peckham at the Olympia and she and Jenn H. both inspire me because they have developed not only their bodies but a business as well.


Stacey P.

N Carolina

“Hi Scott,

I am interested in your business consulting! I'm so excited to hear that you are out there, you're just what I've been looking for!

Could you give me info on how to get started with your1 on 1 Business Consulting ?

Thanks in advance!”

Sensei Christy B.

Houston, Texas
Fitness and Health Consultant
Licensed Sports Nutritionist

These are just a few examples of questions and comments that I have recently received.

As people began to learn about me through Monica Brant-Peckham (I’m her business manager), Lee Priest, Adela Garcia or Dr. Joe Vitale – I began to get more questions from people like you wondering how to leverage their time and create passive income for themselves and their families.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a chance to work one on one with clients anymore.

I only work 3 days a week.

I have a 2 and a 5 year old that I spend time with the other three days of the week.

And Sunday is “family day”.

That means when I do “work”, I have to be efficient.

I have to make the best use of my time.

I need to create.

I need to leverage my time.

After two years of experimenting with my unique schedule, I determined that I couldn’t do it alone.

Because there are so many daily distractions in our everyday lives that we’re not sure where to ask.

And then one day turns into 3 days and that turns into 1 month and then 1 year and on and on.

I discovered that I needed to “take it to the group” to realize the quickest chance of success.

I needed a mentor or a “mastermind” group.

Maybe I had a marketing question.

Perhaps I had a technical question.

Maybe I just needed support from a group of like-minded individuals to help keep me focused.

There’s an old saying that applies here and that is –

“It takes a team to build a dream.”

I discovered two important lessons as a result of these master mind groups that I participated in.

Lesson #1 – You cannot do it by yourself. There are always 2 or more “focused” people involved in a business. As individuals, we have the ability to see things from our own perspective, our own worldview. By adding others to the mix, the group has a greater ability to share a combined intellect to see things from a new and different perspective, what some call “the third mind”.

But you have to be inspired, motivated and focused.

Lesson #2 – Master Mind groups are the best way to overcome business obstacles.

So since I don’t have the oppty (time) to work with one on one clients anymore and because I get questions and comments like the ones above, I have decided to assemble my own Muscle and Fitness Master Mind Group.

This group (limited to 6 people) that I am assembling will be a powerful force.

Each individual’s income will increase.

Each individual’s productivity will increase.

Each individual’s efficiency will increase.

Don’t have a business?

Well, if fitness, figure or bodybuilding is your passion and you are serious about making money in this industry then the time has come to take advantage of this opportunity.

This “MuscleandFitness Marketing Bootcamp” is only intended for the serious minded individuals - not the ones who want someone to do everything for them.

You’ll be held accountable.

You’ll have some assigned tasks.

And if you decide after a week that this is not for you then you’re out and you can have your initial investment back.

But for the ones who “finish the set” they will discover a treasure trove of information that they can plug into their existing businesses or start from scratch!

And I’ll be there to help them.

This Marketing bootcamp is a crash course and will last only 6 weeks!

2008 is right around the corner and we want to be ready!

How much could you increase your bottom line, your bank account by utilizing some or all of the tricks and tips that I will show you?

Sure you could dig up some of this information by yourself – but you’d have to dig long and hard.

And time is money.

And you might find yourself confused – with tons of questions.

Why not invest in yourself and in your future?

Well, I’ll save you the trouble and tell you that at a minimum you will earn at least an additional $10,000 (or more) in 2008 using my system if you are serious and you complete the short crash course as directed.

I’m giving you the tools – hammer, nails, etc. Whether you build a dog house or a castle is your choice.


And then year after year you will watch your income continue to grow.

The course begins on November 12th

Note - If you have self limiting beliefs about money then this program is not for you.

If you take it seriously then you could easily make 20 x your initial investment in 2008!

And probably more!

Registration ends on Friday, November 9th at midnight (or until 6 people have registered)

Here’s what you your registration fee will get you:

The crash course starts Monday, November 12th 2007


November 12th 2007

Only 6 people can sign up. I urge you to register now because this email is going out to people who may very well register as soon as they get this email, so if you want in, do it NOW!

Weeks 1- 2: You and I will schedule a 1 hour phone call at a mutually agreed upon time sometime during the week of November 12th.

Prior to the phone call I will provide a list of questions aimed at discovering what your vision is and what your passions are.

You will answer the questions and email your answers back to me so that we can review during the 1 hour phone call.

During the first 2 weeks we want to determine a clear vision for your business.

This is a must.

Without the vision, everything else is pointless.

As has been said before, “most businesses fail because of a crisis of vision that creates an inevitable cloud of misdirected activity.”

You will have unlimited email access to me via an already set up private password protected message board.

I will check the message board daily. The message board will become the heart and soul of this program.

Your questions and answers will be displayed on the message board so that the other 5 members are able to benefit from the information.

During week 2, we will schedule a group conference call on Tuesday, November 20th at 8pm Central.

The call will last approximately 90 minutes.

I will moderate the call and will record the call in the event that you cannot make it.

The recording will be available to you as an mp3 so that you can listen to it at your convenience.

Each person will get 10 minutes of group time.

That is, we will focus on each member for 10 minutes in which the speaker can ask any questions that he or she wants.

The rest of us will provide feedback.

This is the essence of the “Master Mind” approach.

I will bring in a surprise guest during the call – someone who is an expert in his or her field who will motivate you and challenge you to follow you passions.

Once again, the call will be recorded.

Weeks 3 – 4 Once again, you and I will schedule a one hour phone call at a mutually agreed upon time.

These 2 weeks will be designed to show you how to accomplish your goals. I will provide the blueprint and the resources.

I will share my resources with you, the resources that have enabled me to “Live the ultimate fitness lifestyle”

I cannot go into to much detail now and as a matter of fact, I will ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to your beginning the program.

I’ll be giving you the keys to the “treasure chest” during these 2 weeks.

We will schedule a group conference call on Tuesday, Dec 4th at 8pm Central.

The call will last approximately 90 minutes and will be recorded.

We will follow the same format as in the first conference call, spending 10 minutes on each participant.

I will bring in a different expert for this call who will share his or her experiences for your benefit.

Trust me, these experts will blow your socks off!

We will continue to use the private password protected message board for emails – questions and answers.

Weeks 5 – 6 We will follow the same format as in weeks 1 – 4

This will most likely be the most powerful 2 weeks of the program.

We will begin to wrap things up.

If you’ve taken this program seriously, you will be biting at the chomp to take over your

Niche with the tools and resources that the program has provided.

There will be a 1 hour phone call with me.

There will be an approximate 90 minute group phone call on December 18th at 8pm Central.

I will bring in another special guest to join us on the call.

And we will, of course, use the private password protected message board.


This crash course will be technology driven and will have a very real interpersonal feel.

You’ll get:

Private password protected forum!

Bimonthly conference calls moderated by me!

Unlimited emails via the forum!

1 on 1 phone calls with me!

Surprise experts!

All of the resources that I have used to enable me to live the ultimate fitness lifestyle – it’s kind of like having your own million dollar rolodex!

And more!

Look, it’s no secret that in the upper echelon of the personal training world a man named Dr Joe Vitale ( is the ultimate marketing, sales copy and publicity expert.

This is a guy who charges $25,000 to write one sales letter!

This is a guy who charges $150,000 to coordinate a full marketing plan for companies!

This is a best selling author, publicist, marketing expert and has been on Larry King Live twice this year!

It’s also no secret that Dr Vitale handpicked me to be his personal trainer and business partner!

As a result Dr Vitale has become my mentor.

I’ve studied nearly every book , audio, video marketing product that he has created - not to mention the ones that he did not create but recommends.

Now that I think about it, I may well be in the top 3 of the most studied internet marketing students in the entire fitness world!

And now, I’m bringing all of the information that has allowed me to work alongside Monica, Adela, Lee Priest and others – to you!

And make no mistake – you must market your business.

Your audience is like a parade.

There are people at the front of the line, middle and back of the line.

Some will leave, some will die and new customers will be born.

You must constantly be marketing in order to grow and thrive.

And you must take advantage of today’s technology to do it.

You’ll get a fast up to speed approach as waiting and completing long drawn out programs are for those who won’t take action.

This crash course is devoted to speed.

“Money likes speed.”

Before you know it, you’ll unleash the knowledge that you’ve gained and start taking your passion and your business to the next level.

And you will feel fulfilled - because life is about following your passion.

I can’t wait to hear your success story!



P.S. Ask yourself this.

Where is your business currently? Are you overwhelmed by the options? Do you not know where to turn? Do you feel as if you are losing money everyday? Is someone else already doing what you thought you’d be doing?

Let’s team up and blow past the competition.

Come join the first MuscleandFitness Marketing Bootcamp today!

P.P.S. I have to warn you! Most people don’t become rich without having to work at it.

If you are lazy and would rather sit on the couch and watch “reality TV”, and expect someone else to do it for you, please don’t apply.

It’s for those people who want the solid marketing information that will set their sales on fire, and have customers flocking to their business, on-line or off.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret: Millionaires don’t get rich all at once! They don’t walk into their office one day and discover, “Shazam, I’m rich”. They do it little by little, step-by-step.

And one other thing, most of them have a mentor.

I’m looking for ordinary people who have a burning desire to be successful. People who understand the enormous value of working closely with a successful professional, and are willing to be led, step-by-step, to where they want to go.

Sign up below!

1 payment of $497 ->

2 payments of $275 (1 payment now and 3 weeks later)->