Welcome to my new blog - muscleandfitnessmarketing.blogspot.com!
The purpose of this blog is to share tactics and inside information with amateur and professional bodybuilders, fitness and figure competitors.
If you would like to learn how to market yourself and your business and earn "mucho dinero" then this is the place to learn.
There are 2 requirements that I demand from you.
1) You must have desire to earn money.
2) You must take action.
I can't share all of my secrets with you on this blog, but I can give you enough information for you to edge out your competition and create a nice living from your passion - bodybuilding, fitness or figure.
Who am I?
My name is Scott York. I live in Austin, Texas and am married with 2 young boys.
I work with Lee Priest (www.bodybuildersreality.com), Adela Garcia (www.adelagf.com)and Scott and Monica Brant-Peckham (www.monicabrant.com), just to name a few stars.
I am a former competitive bodybuilder and have studied marketing under some of the world's greatest marketing geniuses such as Dr. Joe Vitale (www.mrfire.com).
My passion is bodybuilding and fitness as well as marketing.
I work about 12 hours a week in my business and spend the rest of the time pursuing other interests.
I'd love to share what I've learned with you. I'd love to help you make money in your passion because most fitness, figure and bodybuilders are broke.
We can change that.
Stay tuned and check back each week for more.
Scott York
www.fitnessandfigurereality.com (coming soon)
512.233.0756 voice mail