That's Scott, Monica and Phillip Brant in the picture.
I shot this yesterday, July 5th at beautiful Lake Austin
near Monica and Scott's home.
Phillip is Monica Brant's older brother.
Phillip recently lost 40+ pounds since March 08.
Down from 232lbs to a current weight of 188lbs.
He ran 4-6 miles, did dumbbell workouts and cleaned up his diet!
Now he's trying out for the TV show - "Survivor"!
He's going for his dreams!
How about you?
Are you stuck in rut?
In a dead end job?
Don't know how to take it to the next level?
Tip - Forget all of the over thinking and over analyzing.
When you are going down the right path in life (following your passion),
the doors will swing wide open!
Go for your dreams!
P.S. We've got 2 spots for our Steve Reeves adventure happening in Sunset Valley, California on August 23rd.
Go to for details about this event.
Email me at for the scoop on how you can join our 'inner circle'
(me and Dr Joe Vitale) for the Steve Reeves Fitness and Film Festival!