Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Two Best Selling Products For The Next 6 Months?

The two best selling products for the next 6 months?

According to consumer buying trend experts, these two kinds of products will see their sales go up during the next six months, while the rest of the economy struggles. Shouldn't you be creating and selling these kinds of products?

In the Monday October 6, 2008 New York Times article, 'Shaken Consumer Aggravates crisis', it was reported that consumers are pulling back on their spending, all but insuring that the economic situation will get worse before it gets better.

The article goes on to suggest that consumers will be spending less, staying home more, and sellers of all kinds of products will see their sales fall.

But the article pointed out there is one bright spot in this bleak picture - consumers who stay home are likely to be spending more money on DVDs for entertainment and training.

Good News for the Independent Producer

First let me say here that almost all of what you read in the New York Times is simply the opinion of a reporter who may or may not have researched the subject and the article almost always reflects the biases of the reporter.

But sometimes even the New York Times gets part of a story right.

And in this case, if the scenario of consumers spending more time at home and less time out in the retail world is correct, it is quite likely stay-at-home consumers will spend more time either in front of their computers or in front of their TV sets.

And the prediction of consumers buying more DVDs for entertainment and training makes a lot of sense - if consumers are staying home watching TV or learning more about their computers.

Again, if these predictions are on the mark, the next several months will be a great time for the independent video producer who is selling training or how-to DVDs on the internet.

It means more consumers will be looking for more DVDs to purchase, and they'll be looking on the internet to find them.

As a fitness professional (bodybuilder, figure or fitness competitor), this is a great time to discover how to create your own exercise videos!

People may be spending more time at home and they may need ways to stay in shape!

Mike Pulcinella and I have put up a free message board at

This board will help you on the road to creating and marketing your own fitness videos!
