I came up with the DVD of the month program (www.bodybuildersreality.com)by sheer accident.
I was trying to break away from a tech job that I hated. I was working long hours for peanuts - my quality of life wasn't where I wanted it to be.
I went looking for a mentor. Someone who could teach me to create the life that I so desperately wanted.
I loved fitness. It was my passion. But I didn't want to spend hours upon hours in a gym training people.
I didn't want to trade my time for dollars. I wanted passive, automatic income.
I wanted to wake up in the morning, turn on my computer and see orders.
But how?
The mentor that I followed had a audio CD of the month program. For 19.95 a month I would get a CD mailed to me which explained how to make more money in the personal training business.
Each month there were experts in marketing, publicity, sales copy, web site optimization and so on.
I loved this stuff.
For 19.95 a month, I was overwhelmed with valuable information that would help me to create the lifestyle that I wanted - if I took action.
And action I took.
I wanted to create something similar but in the bodybuilding world.
I wanted to combine an of the month product, fitness and a reality type of program.
The seeds were planted for www.bodybuildersreality.com.
Next time I'll discuss how I got my main character - Lee Priest.
You can do all of this too. If doesn't have to be a reality program - use your imagination and come up with your own fitness products.
There's an audience waiting...
Happy New Years to all!
Be safe!
Scott York