Once you've built a good tight list or prospects using your opt in box, it's time to start sending (emailing) your newsletters.
I like to send my newsletters once every couple of weeks.
It's a personal preference and you will need to experiment to see what works for you.
If you send them out once a week or more, you may have people opting out or unsubscribing from your newsletter.
Test your frequency and then go from there.
Resources for newsletters include: www.constantcontact.com and www.1shoppingcart.com.
There are dozens more but these are a couple of the biggies.
Constant Contact has a free 30 day trial (30 days or 100 subscribers last time I checked) and then it's $15.00 a month and up after that.
$15.00 or $50.00 is nothing particularly if you make some sales due to your newsletter. It basically pays for itself.
1shoppingcart.com is not only a newsletter service but is also a shopping cart system.
There are different levels for different needs.
Personally, I use the Pro package which is $79/ month and includes all of the top features that you will need as you grow your business.
Next time we'll discuss newsletter content...