As I watch technology enter the fitness, figure and bodybuilding world, it's interesting to me how people are struggling to learn how to use this new found tool (technology).
For instance, I received an email recently from a high level competitor.
It was all about this person, was not engaging, was not interesting and did not even consider me (the customer).
Are you in business to talk about yourself or are you in business to make money?
Hopefully, you recognize yourself as a business person.
Time is valuable, time is money.
So having said that, how much money is your existing website or newsletter making you?
Don't have one?
You most certainly should!
Let's go back to the newsletter that I received about the competitor for a moment.
The newsletter didn't ask me to do anything, didn't ask me to take action, didn't promote their products - nothing.
If you are a top level competitor, it's almost your duty to give more to your audience/fan base.
More autographed pictures, more seminars, more videos, more training, etc.
It's a win-win.
I've learned that most people don't value what you simply GIVE them.
And if you do give too much away - well you need to have a talk with yourself.
So although, it's great to give a picture here and there and let people know what's going on
with you - you should always be marketing yourself and your business.
Your customers are like a parade - some are at the front of the line, middle of the line and back of the line.
You have to continue to market to them in order for them to know about your products.
Have a great day!
P.S. Look at for my MuscleandFitness Marketing Bootcamp!
I'm taking 6 people in the fitness, figure and bodybuilding world (pro or amateur) and am helping them to make more money in 2008! Guaranteed!