If you are not earning at least 50% of your income from your website then there is a lot of room to grow your business.
All of the top bodybuilders, fitness and figure competitors should be earning at least 50% of their income from their websites using the methods that I've mentioned before.
All of the top stars should easily be earning 6 figures a year from their websites.
I would guesstimate that most of them are earning less than $10,000 a year from their website, if they even have a website.
Let's get into Step #1 of the 3 Step Process.
Note - I covered why you need a website and how to set it
up in the last email that I sent (September 07)
The most important element of the website is an opt-in box.
As mentioned earlier, an "opt-in" box is a tool used in order to collect email addresses.
Email addresses or "the list" as it is called in the internet marketing world is your bread and butter.
These are your virtual customers who have come into your virtual store (your website) and are interested in learning more and probably buying something from you.
The opt-in box should be in the top "fold" of your main page so that the website visitor can see the opt-in box immediately.
Pop test! How does your website stack up?
Do you have an opt in box or simply a "contact me" link
that is hard to spot by the untrained eye.
Some mistakes that I see with many of the top bodybuilders, fitness and figure competitors include:
1) No opt in box at all.
2) Rather than an opt-in box, a link is used that says "Contact me".
3) The opt-in box is near the bottom of the main page where no one will ever find it.
Once you begin to collect email addresses you begin to build a list of potential customers who are interested in learning more about you and your products.
Now it's time to sell them your products via regular email newsletters.
For an example of the opt-in box, please visit www.bodybuildersreality.com
So to capture email addresses in the bodybuilding, fitness and figure internet world there are a couple of methods as I see it.
Method 1) You're already high profile like Lee Priest so you don't have to do anything. People want to know more about top pros like Lee so they will readily sign up for the newsletter and enter their email address in the opt-in box at www.bodybuildersreality.com
Method 2) You're not high profile (yet) so you need to give something in order to get something.
I will cover more on this in the next email.
Until then...put your mental muscle to work and start
earning some powerful income!
Have a great weekend!
P.S. I will be launching a "Muscle and Fitness Marketing
Bootcamp" SOON!
It will go way in depth in the way of marketing and guaranteed
results for your business - whether it be your own training
studio, information products (dvd's, ebooks, books, manuals, online video, etc), home based fitness business
and more!
This program will push you to realize your potential and
increase your bottom line!
I will limit the registration to no more than 5 individuals
to ensure quality!
You'll get a great start on 2008 - your breakout year!