Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Websites 101

Honestly...most fitness websites (bodybuilders, fitness or figure websites) are horrible.

I just checked one out (no names!) and it was filled with slow loading images, broken links and spelling errors.

Most of the current fitness website "guru's" are bad. Really bad. Yes, the designer knows all about the business of building websites but it's obvious that they know nothing about marketing.

Most of the sites that I see (bodybuilding, fitness and figure) need to be torn down and redone.

Ask yourself this.

How much money is your site earning you right now? Not much, huh.

Well, here's a secret regarding your websites.

Pretend like you are the customer and ask yourself "WIIFM" (What's in it for me?).

The flashy stuff looks good but just isn't necessary.

People have limited time today.

Alot of internet users are still using dial-up.

Your website needs to be quick loading and immediately pulls the potential customer into the copy on the site.

Here is how you should be setting up your website:

1) Opt in box (at the top of the page)

2) Give something away in return for the potential customers email address.

3) Regular newsletters selling your videos, online training, eBooks, phone consultations, webinars, seminars, "how to" kits, and yes, even pictures.

Basic, yet powerful.

This is how I earn my living.

And I work about 12 hours a WEEK in my business.

I will expand on all of this over time but my time is up for now.
